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Climate change and other environmental disturbances are causing sea level rise all over the world. Due to sea-level rise and other unprecedented atmospheric phenomena caused by climate change, Indian coasts are vulnerable to coastal erosion. The Kerala coast, at the southern tip of India's west coast, has experienced a sea change in the last decade. To address coastal variations, we investigate coastal erosion, coastal accretion, and shoreline changes (from 2006 to 2020) along this coast...
The European Consortium for Ocean Drilling Program (ECORD), the Canadian Consortium for Ocean Drilling (CCOD), the Network of the Universites du Quebec (UQ), the Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) and GEOTOP sponsored, in 2010, a summer school entitled 'Ocean and climate changes in polar and sub-polar environments'. This summer school took place from 27 June to 12 July in Rimouski, Quebec city and Montreal (Quebec, Canada) and was attended by nineteen students and postdoctoral fellows...
The European Consortium for Ocean Drilling Program (ECORD), the Canadian Consortium for Ocean Drilling (CCOD), the Network of the Universites du Quebec (UQ), the Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) and GEOTOP sponsored, in 2010, a summer school entitled 'Ocean and climate changes in polar and sub-polar environments'. This summer school took place from 27 June to 12 July in Rimouski, Quebec city and Montreal (Quebec, Canada) and was attended by nineteen students and postdoctoral fellows...
The pelagic fishes live most part of their life in the surface or subsurface waters. This group exhibits rich species diversity and abundance in the Indian EEZ. Though 240 species constitute the pelagic fisheries along the Indian coast, it is only about 60 species belonging to 8 groups support major fisheries (Table1). During the last decade, pelagic finfishes contributed to 46-56% (average: 51%) of the total marine fish production, of which almost 70% was fished from within the 50 m depth zone
The term ‘remote sensing’ implies feeling from a distance and applies to “the acquisition of information about a portion of the earth’s surface, utilizing instruments operated from a distance”. The term is restricted to the methods that employ electromagnetic energy such as light, heat and radio waves as the means of deflecting and measuring target characteristics. The physical basis of remote sensing is the platforms like aircraft and satellites. Operational types of remote sensing...
The neritic waters along the continental shelf of the Indian EEZ is endowed with a rich abode of demersal finfish resources contributing to about 27.5 % of the total marine landings of the country. The demersal finfishes represented by a total of 23 groups and 71 commercially important species by virtue of their multifarious uses contribute substantially both as a protein supplement and to the revenue generation of the nation. Besides, the island ecosystems of Lakshadweep and Andaman &...
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Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2000 and 2009
- 2008 (3)
Between 2010 and 2019
- 2011 (2)
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2022 (1)
Between 2000 and 2009