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The study intended to establish the role played by the Midlands Region of the Zimbabwe Open University in the dissemination of information on climate change. The study utilized a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods in gathering data. Questionnaires, interviews and observations were used in collecting data from staff members and students in the ZOU Midlands Region. The study established that the ZOU Mid lands Region was not doing enough in the dissemination of climate change...
Man cannot naturally be detached from his environment. From time to time, changes in climate and environmental conditions occur as a result of natural and human factors. Obviously, the natural factors are almost beyond human control. But, the human factors are to a very large extent under human control. Thus, this paper tried to discover natural and human factors that cause climate and environmental changes which have negative effects on the existence of man on earth. Such human factors...
Despite an overwhelming scientific consensus that climate change is a threat to our society, many young Canadians do not view it as a major issue. This suggests flaws in the way that youth are educated on climate change. I therefore investigated climate change education in Canada to recommend improvements. I analyzed Canadian secondary science curricula according to two frameworks to determine how thoroughly climate change is addressed. Results showed that Canadian provinces provide more...
The paper attempted to propose a Climate Change Education Curriculum that is conceived to provide a clear understanding of the Climate Change phenomenon for students in Tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Nobody is left in doubt of the relevance of climate change education in Nigeria tertiary education system. Tertiary educational institutions are expected to play a proactive role in proffering solutions to climate change challenges facing Nigeria. What needs to be done is to harness resources...
Pakistan is vulnerable to wide range of hazards and rooting from weather, hydrological, geophysical and human induced disasters. In the past three decades, there has been an increase in the frequency and intensity of hydro-meteorological disasters including floods, extreme temperatures, torrential and prolonged rainfall, drought and storms. In this regard, efforts have been made by the government to endorse disaster and climate change education, and so far variety of initiatives and...
United Nations Sustainable Development Network 2nd Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development, Columbia University, New York, USA, 23-24 September, 2014
Master of Environmental Studies (climate change and sustainability)105p. June, 2014, QC 983 .O34
This article highlights the various methodologies adopted for the preparation of climate resilience strategy in seven cities (Surat, Indore, Gorakhpur, Guwahati, Shimla, Bhubaneswar and Mysore) of India under the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) programme. It analyses these methodologies and the overall processes adopted in each of these cities for its potential for replication and brings out the inherent challenges, gaps and opportunities in achieving this.Discussions...
Climate change affects human health in various ways. Health planners and policy makers are increasingly addressing potential health impacts of climate change. Ethiopia is vulnerable to these impacts. Assessing students’ knowledge, understanding and perception about the health impact of climate change may promote educational endeavors to increase awareness of health impacts linked to climate change and to facilitate interventions. A cross-sectional study using a questionnaire was carried out...
Climate change affects human health in various ways. Health planners and policy makers are increasingly addressing potential health impacts of climate change. Ethiopia is vulnerable to these impacts. Assessing students’ knowledge, understanding and perception about the health impact of climate change may promote educational endeavors to increase awareness of health impacts linked to climate change and to facilitate interventions. A cross-sectional study using a questionnaire was carried out...
The study investigated the awareness and sources of climate change information among the secondary school students in Nairobi County. The objectives of the study were to find out whether students and teachers are aware of climate change and their sources of information on climate change. It also investigated the extent to which climate change information has been covered in the integrated environmental education. The study applied the descriptive survey design. The target population...
Existing studies report on secondary school students’ misconceptions related to climate change; they also report on the methods of teaching as reinforcing misconceptions. This quasi-experimental study was designed to test the null hypothesis that a curriculum based on constructivist principles does not lead to greater understanding and fewer misconceptions on acid rain, global warming, greenhouse effect, and ozone layer depletion than the traditional Malaysian curriculum. For this purpose,...
Climate change science is part of the Australian National Curriculum. Understanding current perceptions of climate change among pre-service teachers and the Australian public is important for designing effective teacher training on climate change communication. This study employed a survey to examine self-reported knowledge, beliefs and attitudes towards climate change among adults (n=1240) and pre-service teachers (n=156) in regional Australia. Results highlight knowledge and understanding...
Aims: In February and March 2014, more than 300,000 households were affected by water rationing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the surrounding State of Selangor. Further south, reservoir levels in Singapore were dropping, prompting the government to raise the water conservation rhetoric, but falling short of implementing water rationing schemes. The region experienced a dry spell that was unprecedented in the last 30 years. Preparedness for storms has been the talk of the town since the 2001,...
Education has been acknowledged as the most important factor in sustainable national development. Also, teacher education is a principal factor in the education endeavour. Thus, the importance of quality in teacher education is well recognized in Nigeria as in all education communities all over the world. The Nigerian national Policy on Education affirms that no education system can rise above the quality of its teachers (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004). With the coming into existence of...
Climate change as a new reality is the latest challenge to sustainable human development. The scientific evidence is clear: climate change is likely to have negative impacts on efforts to achieve Nigeria’s development objectives, including the targets set out in Nigeria Vision 20:2020 and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The paper tries to look at financial accounting as an indispensible part of every human endeavour which curriculum development in this climate change era should be...
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Air pollution (9)
Artificial Intelligence
- ... in Sub-Saharan Africa (2)
- Machine learning (7)
- Neural network (6)
- Climate change (294)
- Education and climate change (286)
- Energy efficiency (9)
- Impact on learning (2)
- Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) (18)
- Modelling (9)
- Noise (1)
- Retrofits (1)
- School buildings and classrooms (6)
- Thermal comfort and heat stress (21)
Publication year
- Between 1900 and 1999 (3)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (28)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (231)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (143)