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The threats of climate change to human society and natural ecosystems have become a devastating environmental problem for crop production and fish farming in Nigeria. This is partly because farmers and fisher folk are known to adopt age-old methods that do not counter current global warming and climate change effects. The purpose of this study was to establish through an empirical process the nature and degree of climate change impacts on crop production and fish farming and the...
More than 85% of the Solomon Islands population lives in villages and communities within 1.5 km from the coast. Therefore, these communities are exposed to extreme ocean-based events, whose intensity and variation are expected to increase due to climate change. The government realizes the expected devastating impacts on the population, and has partnered with aid-donors to invest millions of dollars in climate change related programs, especially mitigation, adaptation and transformation...
Arabic Abstract:وفي إطار هذه الورقة يتضح أنه لا يمكن لأي شخص معقول أن ينكر أهمية الغابات في الحياة البشرية. الحياة لا يمكن أن يتصور دون النباتات. وللأسف، تحتل باكستان المرتبة الثالثة بين البلدان الأحد عشر التي تحدث فيها التغيرات المناخية البيئة. باسم التقدم، نحن الموهوبين إزالة الغابات بسرعة. يجب علينا زراعة غابات جديدة بحيث يمكن الحصول على العائد من الزهور والنباتات والعسل على نطاق واسع. وقد أعطى الله الرحمن الرحيم تيارات وحدائق على الدول البدائية ولكن عندما تحولوا ظهورهم من التعاليم...
Climate change has been one of the most-threatening environmental disaster in our present generation due to its detrimental effects manifesting in short-term and long-term consequences such as floods and gradual degradation of the environment. In Nigeria, the impacts of climate change is more devastating because some age groups and gender are more vulnerable to climate change risks particularly in tertiary institutions. This upsurge is partly due to attitudinal dispositions. This present...
The reality of climate change and its effects is not gender neutral. It will disproportionately affect women and the girl child who bear the major responsibility for household production and supply of energy and food security. In addressing both the challenge of climate change and its disproportionate effects on women, the international legal instruments governing climate change under the auspices of United Nations (UN) underscore the role of education to encourage changes in approach...
The study is aimed at describing the perceived importance of, and proficiency in, climate change related competencies among extension personnel; and evaluate the resultant training needs. The study randomly sampled 328 extension personnel from six states of Malaysia. Cross-sectional data was collected using structured questionnaire that was reviewed and pre-tested for validity and reliability. Analysis was conducted using SPSS. Descriptive statistics including the mean weighted discrepancy...
Out of the numerous challenges facing mankind globally, the impact of climate change poses more threat. These impacts include sea-level rise, more frequent floods from heavy rainfall and notably among others, intense droughts. Despite the United Nations anchored events and conferences geared towards tackling climate change, little success has been recorded till date. Biomimicry, a novel science and method that studies nature’s models and then emulates their forms, processes, and strategies...
Rigorous impact evaluations tell us a lot about the world, not just the particular contexts in which they are conducted. Open access to this article is made possible by MIT.
This study was conducted to determine the level and impact of noise on pupils’ learning performance that was observed through a survey at State Elementary School (SDN 060882), which is located on the corner of Abdullah Lubis Street and Pattimura Medan Street. The study was done by measuring the noise level using the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) by taking 24 locations as the measurement points. The results indicated that the noise levels exceeded the standard TLV >55 dBA as regulated in the...
Artificial Intelligence
- Neural network (4)
- Climate change (28)
- Disability (1)
- Education and climate change (34)
- Energy efficiency (1)
- Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) (7)
- Modelling (2)
- Noise (1)
- Retrofits (8)
- School buildings and classrooms (1)
- Sustainable Development Goals (35)
- Thermal comfort and heat stress (8)
- Urban Environment (2)