Integrating climate change and Blue Economy in fisheriesresearch and education in India

Resource type
Journal Article
Integrating climate change and Blue Economy in fisheriesresearch and education in India
Fisheries, the fastest food producing sector in the country plays a pivotal role in ensuring food and nutritional security of the growing population, employment generation, enhanced income and foreign exchange earnings. The fisheries resources, resource users and the environment have contributed in tandem to the sustained fish production and fishers welfare through technology upgradation and augmented capital investment in the sector. The sector had been growing at an impressive rate of 6.65 per cent in marine ssctor and f 26.07 per cent in inland sector. The country has earned more than 5.78 billion US dollars foreign exchange (i.e., Rs.37, 871 crores) in 2016- 17 through, exports of fish and fishery products. The present fish production is 9.3 million tonnes with a contribution of 3.93 million tonnes from marine sector and 5.46 million tonnes from inland sector. The fisheries contribution to GDP is 81400 crores contributing to around 0.82 per cent of the total GDP. The sector contributes around 7.3 per cent of the agriculture GDP. In terms of resources the country possesses a huge resource profile with an Exclusive Economic Zone of 2.02 million square km and a coastline of 8129 kms. In order to address the food security concerns of the country it is important to harness its fisheries resources.
Call Number
openalex: W2893661614
openalex: W2893661614 mag: 2893661614
Shyam, S. S., & James, H. E. (2018). Integrating climate change and Blue Economy in fisheriesresearch and education in India.