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Abstract Self-reporting is an important mechanism of the UNFCCC to collect information about what countries are doing to achieve their climate change mitigation and adaptation targets and how much progress has been made. Here we empirically test four hypotheses about what countries prioritise in their self-reporting through the National Communications. Using quantitative text analysis methods (structural topic modelling and keyness statistics), we analyse over 600 submissions...
The main aim of this study is to assess university students’ perceptions of climate change (CC) and sustainable development (SD). It also reviews existing curricula of various degree programs and obtains students’ opinion on how to integrate these concepts into the curricula and improve teaching methods and students’ learning. In total, 400 students from two of the oldest and renowned public sector higher education institutions (HEIs) in Lahore, Pakistan participated in this study. The...
In 2019 India was ranked seventh most affected nation by climate change, yet 65 per cent of the Indian population had not heard of climate change. India’s revised National Education Policy mentions climate change and environmental issues as part of its work towards reaching the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. However, to date, climate education in India has tended to remain the responsibility of the secondary science teacher in many schools where resources are limited....
South Africa remains the largest emitter of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in Africa. As such despite the glowing government policy documents addressing climate change, efforts towards achieving the targets of the sustainable development goals (especially SDG 13) at grassroots level remain significant. We identified relevant published articles and grey literature on CCE. A thematic analysis of these publications focused on identifying the common CCE initiatives being actioned in SA. The...
Abstract Australia's natural environment poses challenges for human inhabitants and will continue to pose novel challenges in an era of climate change. However, the resources that people can access to respond to climate change are diverse and unequally distributed. While this suggests a role for education, especially for those who are most socially and economically vulnerable, integrating climate change literacy into educational programs is not straightforward in all sectors. Studies have...
Abstract Australia's natural environment poses challenges for human inhabitants and will continue to pose novel challenges in an era of climate change. However, the resources that people can access to respond to climate change are diverse and unequally distributed. While this suggests a role for education, especially for those who are most socially and economically vulnerable, integrating climate change literacy into educational programs is not straightforward in all sectors. Studies have...
Climate change education plays a significant role in the fight against climate change. Yet the knowledges of Indigenous Peoples who have been disproportionately impacted and are at the frontlines of climate change have not been given enough attention in climate change education. To enhance the capacity of communities to adapt to climate change, calls are increasing for climate change education to be decolonized. Contributing to this call, the researcher partnered with a rural community,...
Youth in sub-Saharan Africa are extremely vulnerable to the negative consequences of climate change and environmental degradation. The interest in education for sustainable development (ESD) to support African youth in learning about and adapting to climate change is growing in response. This study examines the messages about human-earth relationships, environmental change, and responsibilities for mitigation that are presented in official grade 8 Ghana and Malawi textbooks. Utilizing a...
Chapter 5 makes an attempt to predict trends in average land temperature due to CO2 emissions from all the non-renewable energy resources like “coal”, “oil”, “natural gas”, and “flaring”. The chapter illustrates the step-by-step process of time series analysis that is used to forecast temperature values. Predictions with the help of a machine learning model reveal that if no significant and immediate steps are implemented, emissions from these sources of energy will continue to rise in the...
Climate change and other environmental disturbances are causing sea level rise all over the world. Due to sea-level rise and other unprecedented atmospheric phenomena caused by climate change, Indian coasts are vulnerable to coastal erosion. The Kerala coast, at the southern tip of India's west coast, has experienced a sea change in the last decade. To address coastal variations, we investigate coastal erosion, coastal accretion, and shoreline changes (from 2006 to 2020) along this coast...
This article explores the urban planning curriculum of the three selected planning schools in India. They are the School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), New Delhi; Department of City and Regional Planning, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur; and the Faculty of Planning, CEPT University, Ahmedabad. It uses content analysis to understand the deepening of research, skill formation and the possible change in pedagogy due to growing concerns about climate change (CC) and disaster...
Zambia like many other countries has not been spared from the destructive impacts of climate change. Climate change awareness creation is pivotal to adaptation and mitigation strategies. Effective dissemination of knowledge among the citizens during formal school years and later on in teacher training programs is crucial to that end. This paper investigates the quality of climate change education that students receive in secondary schools as well as the adequacy of the content taught from...
The impact of climate change on agricultural practices is raising question marks on future food security of billions of people in tropical and subtropical regions. Recently introduced, climate-smart agriculture (CSA) techniques encourage the practices of sustainable agriculture, increasing adaptive capacity and resilience to shocks at multiple levels. However, it is extremely difficult to develop a single framework for climate change resilient agricultural practices for different agrarian...
Evolutionary algorithms and allied fields are getting more visibility as well as familiarity due to their numerous flexibilities such as handling high-dimensional non-linear problems and more. This book will help budding researchers to formulate their research problems, and comprises 10 chapters: three on optimization, five on machine learning algorithms, one on Internet of Things, and one on remote sensing.In Focus–a book series that showcases the latest accomplishments in water research....
- Climate change
- Air pollution (10)
Artificial Intelligence
- Machine learning (21)
- Education and climate change (292)
- Energy efficiency (8)
- Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) (4)
- Modelling (5)
- School buildings and classrooms (4)
- Sustainable Development Goals (318)
- Thermal comfort and heat stress (9)