International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Limited Awareness on Climate Change at the Zimbabwe Open University (Midlands Region): A Deterrent on Information Dissemination

Resource type
Journal Article
International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Limited Awareness on Climate Change at the Zimbabwe Open University (Midlands Region): A Deterrent on Information Dissemination
The study intended to establish the role played by the Midlands Region of the Zimbabwe Open University in the dissemination of information on climate change. The study utilized a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods in gathering data. Questionnaires, interviews and observations were used in collecting data from staff members and students in the ZOU Midlands Region. The study established that the ZOU Mid lands Region was not doing enough in the dissemination of climate change knowledge to students and the Gweru City community. Its curriculum which was determined at the national level did not treat climate change as a subject. The issues on climate change were treated in passing in most of the disciplines offered by the university except in Geography and Environmental Studies. The study recommends that the ZOU Midlands Region should be at the centre of the dissemination of information on climate change. The ZOU Midlands Re gion should have workshops and conferences on climate change. Through its National Centre the university should offer programmes on climate change so as to find solutions to this devastating phenomenon.
Call Number
openalex:W2189064273 mag:2189064273
Mangizvo, R. V., & Chirume, S. (2015). International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Limited Awareness on Climate Change at the Zimbabwe Open University (Midlands Region): A Deterrent on Information Dissemination.