Apraisal of Geography Teachers’ Knowledge on the Relevance of Secondary School Geography Curriculum Relating to Climate Change in Nigeria

Resource type
Journal Article
Apraisal of Geography Teachers’ Knowledge on the Relevance of Secondary School Geography Curriculum Relating to Climate Change in Nigeria
Evidence shows that climate change is experienced all over the globe. Climate change is defined as a change in the state of the climate that can be identified and measured by changes in the mean and/or variability of its properties Climate change can persist over a long time, usually over decades and much longer and leads to extremes of weather conditions such as temperature, wind, rainfall, and humidity. Geography curriculum is basically on climate and environment generally The main purpose of the study is to explore geography teacher’s knowledge, attitude and the practices relating to climate change in Nigeria. Questionnaire on the knowledge of climatic change among geography was used as the main instrument for data collection. It was designed to elicit information on the basis of research questions set for this study. A total number of 60 geography teachers were used as the sample size. Descriptive statistics such as simple percentages and frequency counts were used in the analysis of the research data collected. The findings from the research work show among others that the teachers communicate effective on the topics relate to climate change. It also reveals that most teachers have knowledge of the contents of geography curriculum. Geography teachers according to the findings indicates the readiness of the teachers to continue teaching the topics relating to climate change. It is therefore, recommends that topics on climate change be made compulsory for students at all level of education.
Call Number
openalex:W3081137457 mag:3081137457
Oladapo, S. O. (2020). Apraisal of Geography Teachers’ Knowledge on the Relevance of Secondary School Geography Curriculum Relating to Climate Change in Nigeria. http://www.cscanada.net/index.php/ccc/article/download/11670/11633