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Instituting adaptation frameworks that can assist professionals to respond to climate change, yet be tailored to specific sectoral needs is crucial. Professionals working at the coalface of the climate change challenge need to build new skills and create innovative solutions in social and political contexts. Using case studies, this paper reflects on the experience of developing climate change curricula at multiple levels and the obstacles to implementation of the links between curriculum...
Instituting adaptation frameworks that can assist professionals to respond to climate change, yet be tailored to specific sectoral needs is crucial. Professionals working at the coalface of the climate change challenge need to build new skills and create innovative solutions in social and political contexts. Using case studies, this paper reflects on the experience of developing climate change curricula at multiple levels and the obstacles to implementation of the links between curriculum...
Learning from the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report to design future strategies for climate change research and observations was the key objective of a workshop organized jointly by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), the World Climate Research Program (WCRP), and the International Geosphere‐ Biosphere Programme (IGBP) in Sydney, Australia. Some 66 key IPCC authors and other experts associated with the three international...
Learning from the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report to design future strategies for climate change research and observations was the key objective of a workshop organized jointly by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), the World Climate Research Program (WCRP), and the International Geosphere‐ Biosphere Programme (IGBP) in Sydney, Australia. Some 66 key IPCC authors and other experts associated with the three international...
Biodiversity plays a decisive role in maintaining the ecological balance of the earth. Towards the end of the 20th century, humankind grew conscious of its unprecedented impact upon natural environments and the danger of exhausting biological resources. Therefore, biodiversity emerged as an environmental issue in the early 1980s, culminating in the Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. At the same time, biological diversity was recognized as an essential...
The pelagic fishes live most part of their life in the surface or subsurface waters. This group exhibits rich species diversity and abundance in the Indian EEZ. Though 240 species constitute the pelagic fisheries along the Indian coast, it is only about 60 species belonging to 8 groups support major fisheries (Table1). During the last decade, pelagic finfishes contributed to 46-56% (average: 51%) of the total marine fish production, of which almost 70% was fished from within the 50 m depth zone
The term ‘remote sensing’ implies feeling from a distance and applies to “the acquisition of information about a portion of the earth’s surface, utilizing instruments operated from a distance”. The term is restricted to the methods that employ electromagnetic energy such as light, heat and radio waves as the means of deflecting and measuring target characteristics. The physical basis of remote sensing is the platforms like aircraft and satellites. Operational types of remote sensing...
The neritic waters along the continental shelf of the Indian EEZ is endowed with a rich abode of demersal finfish resources contributing to about 27.5 % of the total marine landings of the country. The demersal finfishes represented by a total of 23 groups and 71 commercially important species by virtue of their multifarious uses contribute substantially both as a protein supplement and to the revenue generation of the nation. Besides, the island ecosystems of Lakshadweep and Andaman &...
Marine fisheries sector in India plays a significant role in Indian economy and provides livelihood security to about 3.5 million coastal rural folk living in 3200 marine fishing villages. The substantial growth of the sector is due to innovative and efficient fishing practices, government policies, well developed harvest and post-harvest infrastructure and increased demand for marine fish products in the domestic and international markets. The growing demand resulted in fishing effort...
The climate in Australia is one of the most variable in the world. Better understanding of this variability and applications of climate risk management are central to profitable and sustainable rural industries. Developments in climate science provide better understanding and forecasting of both between-year El Nino variability and long-term climate change. Climate risk management assesses the possible impacts of climate variability on rural businesses and the options available to mitigate...
The climate in Australia is one of the most variable in the world. Better understanding of this variability and applications of climate risk management are central to profitable and sustainable rural industries. Developments in climate science provide better understanding and forecasting of both between-year El Nino variability and long-term climate change. Climate risk management assesses the possible impacts of climate variability on rural businesses and the options available to mitigate...
The impact of increasing climatic variability and change are global concerns but in Bangladesh, where large numbers of people are chronically exposed and vulnerable to a range of natural hazards, they are particularly critical. This resource book has been tested and prepared as a reference and guide for further training and capacity building of agricultural extension workers and development professionals to deal with climate change impacts and adaptation, using the example of drought-prone...
Singapore's climate change policy underwent an apparently significant shift in 2006, when the country announced that it would accede to the Kyoto Protocol of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Singapore had previously rejected the possibility of accession as being incompatible with its interests and outside its international obligations. Since Singapore contributes only a small amount to global greenhouse gas emissions, the consequences of its accession are not great in global...
The research activity described in this report is a comprehensive regional assessment of the impacts of climate change on water resources and options for adaptation in the Okanagan Basin. The ultimate goal of the project is to develop integrated climate change and water resource scenarios to stimulate a multistakeholder discussion on the implications of climate change for water management in the region. The paper describes two main objectives: (a) providing a set of research products that...
- Climate change
- Air pollution (10)
Artificial Intelligence
- Machine learning (21)
- Education and climate change (292)
- Energy efficiency (8)
- Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) (4)
- Modelling (5)
- School buildings and classrooms (4)
- Sustainable Development Goals (318)
- Thermal comfort and heat stress (9)
Publication year
- Between 2000 and 2025 (421)