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A thermal comfort field survey is carried out inside a naturally ventilated laboratory in the tropical climatic region of India. The building chosen is used for courses in an undergraduate engineering curriculum. We aimed at assessing how the occupants perceive their thermal environment in a free running building while carrying out their normally scheduled tasks. A total of 121 acclimatized subjects were interviewed and 338 responses were collected during the months of spring semester....
Human migration attributable to climate events has recently received significant attention from the academic and policy communities (1-2). Quantitative evidence on the relationship between individual, permanent migration and natural disasters is limited (3-9). A 21-year longitudinal survey conducted in rural Pakistan (1991-2012) provides a unique opportunity to understand the relationship between weather and long-term migration. We link individual-level information from this survey to...
Aims: In February and March 2014, more than 300,000 households were affected by water rationing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the surrounding State of Selangor. Further south, reservoir levels in Singapore were dropping, prompting the government to raise the water conservation rhetoric, but falling short of implementing water rationing schemes. The region experienced a dry spell that was unprecedented in the last 30 years. Preparedness for storms has been the talk of the town since the 2001,...
Education has been acknowledged as the most important factor in sustainable national development. Also, teacher education is a principal factor in the education endeavour. Thus, the importance of quality in teacher education is well recognized in Nigeria as in all education communities all over the world. The Nigerian national Policy on Education affirms that no education system can rise above the quality of its teachers (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004). With the coming into existence of...
Since the inception of higher education (HE) over one hundred years ago, its purpose has been to cater for the religious and social leaders who will be competent enough to run the country. Paradigm shifting in HE has made society realise that every profession demands competent professionals to provide balanced development across all educational sectors in order to see national development progress. As a result, universities now provide a wide range of training and education in the arts,...
Climate change as a new reality is the latest challenge to sustainable human development. The scientific evidence is clear: climate change is likely to have negative impacts on efforts to achieve Nigeria’s development objectives, including the targets set out in Nigeria Vision 20:2020 and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The paper tries to look at financial accounting as an indispensible part of every human endeavour which curriculum development in this climate change era should be...
The study was carried out to identify content areas of climate change for integration into the senior secondary school agricultural science curriculum in countries such as Nigeria. Two research questions were developed and answered by the study while two null hypotheses were formulated and tested. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study was 441 while the sample was 249. A 34-item structured questionnaire was developed for data collection....
The study was carried out to identify content areas of climate change for integration into the senior secondary school agricultural science curriculum in countries such as Nigeria. Two research questions were developed and answered by the study while two null hypotheses were formulated and tested. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study was 441 while the sample was 249. A 34-item structured questionnaire was developed for data collection....
To gain a better perspective of occupant preference in naturally conditioned classrooms, a comfort survey was conducted in undergraduate classes during one month each in fall and spring semesters. The studies were conducted in Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. All students participating in the survey were acclimatized to the local weather. Surveys were taken during November 2012 and March 2013. Survey results showed a remarkable level of adaptation among the occupants to the local...
This resource was written to provide Indigenous communities and others with an understanding about climate change. It also aims to encourage people in Indigenous communities to talk about climate change, and what will help their communities deal with these changes in the weather.
Secondary school agriculture syllabus was introduced in Kenya to equip learners with knowledge on the basic principles of farming. In the wake of the last quarter of the 20 th Century, climate change became the single most challenge to the Worlds agriculture sector, the developing countries being the most vulnerable. To tackle the phenomena, each country ought to find appropriate solutions to secure its own agricultural production. In Kenya, lack of knowledge on climate change adaptations...
Transparent Building Envelope: Windows and Shading Devices Typologies for Energy Efficiency Refurbishments
- Air pollution (7)
Artificial Intelligence
- ... in Sub-Saharan Africa (3)
- Machine learning (8)
- Neural network (35)
- Climate change (234)
- Disability (15)
- Education and climate change (248)
- Energy efficiency (11)
- Environmental sensors (2)
- Impact on learning (6)
- Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) (45)
- Migration (12)
- Modelling (17)
- Noise (11)
- Retrofits (16)
- School buildings and classrooms (20)
Sustainable Development Goals
- SDG01 No poverty (2)
- SDG02 Zero hunger (4)
- SDG03 Good health and well-being (1)
- SDG04 Quality education (8)
- SDG05 Gender equality (1)
- SDG06 Clean water and sanitation (1)
- SDG07 Affordable and clean energy (20)
- SDG09 Industry, innovation and infrastructure (1)
- SDG10 Reduced inequalities (3)
- SDG11 Sustainable cities and communities (8)
- SDG13 Climate action (231)
- SDG14 Life below water (2)
- SDG15 Life on land (1)
- Thermal comfort and heat stress (37)
- Urban Environment (2)