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Youth in sub-Saharan Africa are extremely vulnerable to the negative consequences of climate change and environmental degradation. The interest in education for sustainable development (ESD) to support African youth in learning about and adapting to climate change is growing in response. This study examines the messages about human-earth relationships, environmental change, and responsibilities for mitigation that are presented in official grade 8 Ghana and Malawi textbooks. Utilizing a...
Children differ from adults in their physiology and cognitive ability. Thus, they are extremely vulnerable to classroom thermal comfort. However, very few reviews on the thermal comfort of primary school students are available. Further, children-focused surveys have not reviewed the state-of-the-art in thermal comfort prediction using machine learning (AI/ML). Consequently, there is a need for discussion on children-specific challenges in AI/ML-based prediction. This article bridges these...
The association between classroom climate qualitity and students’ academic achievement has been well researched. The relationship of a student to the classroom climate can be viewed from the seminal work of Moos (1974) in classifying the dimensions between individual relationship and the surrounding environment into “relationship”, “personal growth” as well as “systems maintenance and change”. Students’ perspective on their classroom climate can be used as a mechanism for classroom...
This article explores the urban planning curriculum of the three selected planning schools in India. They are the School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), New Delhi; Department of City and Regional Planning, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur; and the Faculty of Planning, CEPT University, Ahmedabad. It uses content analysis to understand the deepening of research, skill formation and the possible change in pedagogy due to growing concerns about climate change (CC) and disaster...
Zambia like many other countries has not been spared from the destructive impacts of climate change. Climate change awareness creation is pivotal to adaptation and mitigation strategies. Effective dissemination of knowledge among the citizens during formal school years and later on in teacher training programs is crucial to that end. This paper investigates the quality of climate change education that students receive in secondary schools as well as the adequacy of the content taught from...
From fatal heat waves and cruel droughts to devastating floods and fast depleting water tables, climate change is the greatest destructor in the current time creating a threat to all living organisms including human being. Teachers being the agents of social change have an important role to play in moulding the behaviour of children to cope with the climate change stress. The present study was carried out with 462 (222 pre-service and 240 in-service) elementary school teachers taking a...
Abstract The assessment of Nigerian teachers' climate science literacy and training needs on climate change concepts (i.e., causes, impacts, and solutions) are absent. This study relates teachers' climate science literacy and their expressed training needs in other climate change concepts and places teachers in groups. Following a descriptive survey design, 410 teachers were randomly sampled from 8338 public secondary school teachers in Enugu State, southeastern Nigeria. A...
Climate change poses a major threat to the future of today's youth. Globally, young people are at the forefront of climate change activism. Their ability to engage, however, depends on the level of knowledge of climate change and concern about the topic. We sought to examine levels of knowledge and concerns about climate change among youth in South Africa, and their experiences of heat exposure. Ten questions on climate change knowledge, concerns and experiences were nested within a...
Climate change poses a major threat to the future of today's youth. Globally, young people are at the forefront of climate change activism. Their ability to engage, however, depends on the level of knowledge of climate change and concern about the topic. We sought to examine levels of knowledge and concerns about climate change among youth in South Africa, and their experiences of heat exposure. Ten questions on climate change knowledge, concerns and experiences were nested within a...
This study investigated children’s perceptions and adaptive behaviors related to indoor thermal conditions of classrooms in primary schools with no air-conditioning systems during both summer and winter in Dehradun City, Uttarakhand, India. Responses were collected from 5297 school children aged 6–13 years. During the measurement periods, 100% and 94% of the samples were obtained under conditions outside an 80% thermally acceptable comfort range in winter and summer, respectively. The...
This study examines school and college teachers' perceptions about climate change, taking into account academic backgrounds and experiences with the impacts of climate change. The study included 95 teachers from three schools and colleges (two private and one public) in the city of Sylhet, Bangladesh. The results show that most teachers have heard about climate change and understand what it means. Most also perceive that temperatures in Bangladesh are rising or fluctuating and that rainfall...
Climate change is a rapidly progressing threat to global health and well-being. For general practitioners (GPs) currently in training, the effects of climate change on public health will shape their future professional practice We aimed to establish the prevalence and associations of Australian GP registrars' (trainees') perceptions of climate change as it relates to public health, education, and workplaces.A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study of GP registrars of three Australian...
Climate change is a rapidly progressing threat to global health and well-being. For general practitioners (GPs) currently in training, the effects of climate change on public health will shape their future professional practice We aimed to establish the prevalence and associations of Australian GP registrars' (trainees') perceptions of climate change as it relates to public health, education, and workplaces.A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study of GP registrars of three Australian...
The TAIL rating scheme was developed to assess indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in offices and hotels undergoing deep renovation and was recently extended by the PredicTAIL method allowing prediction of IEQ through modeling. TAIL provides the methodology for rating the quality of the thermal, acoustic, and luminous environments, the indoor air quality, and the overall quality of the indoor environment. The present work is an extension of the use of TAIL rating scheme for school classrooms...
Background It is believed that poor classroom acoustics leads to lower levels of student learning and exposes teachers vocal folds to greater physical wear and tear. Objective This study sought to compare the quality of life by World Health Organization (whoqol-bref) questionnaire of 61 teachers working at schools with different acoustic conditions. Methods This paper reports on a descriptive exploratory study aimed at ascertaining the following: (1) outdoor sound pressure levels in the...
The importance of the agricultural sector to the Nigerian economy is highly invaluable, although, it is highly responsive and vulnerable to climate change. Climate change has caused decline and volatility in agricultural production, thereby exacerbating food insecurity and hunger in countries such as Nigeria. Most of the Nigerian farmers are rainfed and conservative towards technological change, this calls for the need to develop curriculum contents on smart agriculture for youth who will...
The importance of the agricultural sector to the Nigerian economy is highly invaluable, although, it is highly responsive and vulnerable to climate change. Climate change has caused decline and volatility in agricultural production, thereby exacerbating food insecurity and hunger in countries such as Nigeria. Most of the Nigerian farmers are rainfed and conservative towards technological change, this calls for the need to develop curriculum contents on smart agriculture for youth who will...
The purpose of the article, which is a comparative study, is to explore climate change discourses in South African and Norwegian geography textbooks by addressing the following questions: What policy discourses of climate change can be identified in the textbooks? How is the climate change content of geography textbooks influenced by predominant discourses in society? The authors assert that problems and solutions to climate change in textbooks are influenced by dominant discourses of...
Occupant behaviour (OB) is one of the main causes of the energy performance gap between buildings’ performance prediction versus reality, since, due to its uncertainty and unpredictability, it is often oversimplified in the building performance simulation (BPS). Hence, previous studies developed OB models, mainly in the residential and office contexts, in order to predict and represent human behaviour in BPS. Yet, school buildings are different from other typologies due to contextual factors...
- Education and climate change
- Air pollution (7)
Artificial Intelligence
- Machine learning (1)
- Neural network (2)
- Climate change (103)
- Energy efficiency (10)
- Environmental sensors (1)
- Impact on learning (10)
- Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) (35)
- Modelling (4)
- Noise (7)
- Retrofits (9)
- School buildings and classrooms (23)
- Sustainable Development Goals (128)
- Thermal comfort and heat stress (22)