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The current climate emergency concerns and the COVID-19 pandemic demand urgent action to maintain healthy indoor environments in energy efficient ways. Promoting good indoor environments, in particular, increasing ventilation levels, has been a prominent strategy to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission indoors. However, this strategy could be detrimental to thermal comfort, particularly during the heating season in buildings located in temperate climate zones. This paper presents...
An output of the Open Development & Education,
This slide deck relates to a presentation given by OpenDevEd at The Education and Development Forum in Oxford (UKFIET 2023), as part of the sub-theme “Conflict, crisis, climate, and migration”. This presentation was part of the symposium called Climate, environment and education outcomes – Preliminary findings and practical experience from East and West Africa.
The Aga Khan Education Services (AKES) of Tanzania has joined hands with the Aga Khan Foundation Tanzania (AKF) and the Ismaili Civic’s joint climate resilience initiative by supporting the establishment of a micro-forest in efforts aimed to reduce carbon footprint and conserve the environment.
An output of the EdTech Hub,
This study presents a novel solar fan-assisted multi-directional windcatcher (MDW) with encapsulated phase change material tubes (E-PCMT) for tropical buildings. The ventilation, cooling, and thermal storage performance of the integrated ventilative cooling system is investigated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Ansys Fluent software under tropical climate conditions. A parametric geometric analysis of three different E-PCMT configurations with melting temperatures at 28oC was...
This article deals with the possibilities the lighting retrofit and the life cycle cost analysis economic analysis in the process of increasing the energy efficiency of buildings. It contains basic information about lighting retrofit and the life cycle cost analysis and its implementation for cost estimation for a building lighting system. The accuracy of the life cycle cost analysis was verified on three lighting systems. The first system consisted of an old (original) lighting system that...
South Africa’s private sector – under significant pressure to become energy efficient and employ sustainability principles – has long been implementing energy-saving mechanisms. Unfortunately, there seems to exist many misplaced incentives in South Africa’s public sector that prevent it from embracing energy-efficient technology. With the falling cost of LED lighting and the rising cost of electricity, however, conversions are increasingly cost-efficient. Effecting these changes are...
Increased thermal comfort in buildings is consuming large amounts of energy around the world, especially in hot arid and semi-arid regions. Finding and adapting ways to naturally cool buildings should be a priority for researchers in the subject. For centuries the Middle East cultures have used wind towers to cool their buildings and they have proved to be a cost-effective, easy to implement and reliable solution for passive cooling that requires almost negligible energy to operate. The...
The ventilation effect in different places in the teaching building is different. The aim of this paper is to study the relative ventilation relationship of the rooms in “L” type middle school teaching building. Taking Xiamen in the subtropical ...
In buildings, energy is primarily consumed by mechanical air conditioning systems. Low energy alternatives, such as natural ventilation, are needed. However, they need to be able to cope with increasing heatwaves and pollution, particularly in warm climates. This review paper looked at the ability of natural ventilation to provide adequate thermal comfort, resilience against heatwaves, and good Indoor Air Quality in warm climates. Single-sided ventilation demonstrates the poorest ability to...
In an effort to curb global warming, Purdue University engineers have created the whitest paint yet. Coating buildings with this paint may one day cool them off enough to reduce the need for air conditioning, the researchers say.
Context — More than 200 million people suffer every year natural hazards consequences around the world, sensibly affecting vulnerable populations and resulting on building's partial or total damage. In post-disaster scenarios, it is required to provide the construction of temporary facilities that can be used as shelters or educational spaces, and it is suitable to deliver low cost, fast construction, and site adapted solutions. However, many of these units are built with prefabricated...
Although countries in East-Africa seem to have a perfect climate, people are not fully benefiting or making efficient use of its potential. They suffer from insufficient daylight or overheating and live on sites that are not coherently organized nor efficiently utilised. Energy is wasted. Trees are considered an abundant energy provider, especially for cooking purposes or for burning bricks. The Forum on ‘Raising Awareness for Climate Responsive Design in East Africa’ took place in Kampala...
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- Between 2020 and 2025 (19)
Between 2000 and 2009
- Unknown (7)