Training Needs on Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Crop and Livestock Production among Field Extension Workers in the Southeast Agro-Ecological Zone of Nigeria

Resource type
Journal Article
Training Needs on Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Crop and Livestock Production among Field Extension Workers in the Southeast Agro-Ecological Zone of Nigeria
The study examined the training needs on climate change adaptation measures in crop and livestock production among field extension workers in the Southeast agro-ecological zone of Nigeria. Specifically, the study identified trainings on climate change adaptation in crop and livestock production received by field extension staff, training needs on climate change adaptation on livestock and crop production among the workers and the constraints faced by the workers in disseminating climate change adaptation measures. A sample of 210 field extension workers proportionately selected from three out of five states in the Southeast agro-ecological zone of Nigeria participated in the study. Data were obtained using structured questionnaire and were described using mean score and frequency. Results showed that the field extension staff were still in their economically active ages (X¯= 43), mostly female (64%) and well-educated. It was further revealed that the extension staff had worked for an average of 14 years. On the trainings on climate change adaptation measures in crop received by the staff, the result indicated that intercropping/mixed cropping (96.5%), early maturing varieties and higher yielding crops (96.5%) dominated whereas training on mixed livestock faming (91.4%) and use of improved livestock breeds (91.0%) prevailed in the livestock area. It was further indicated that the field extension workers needed training on communication skills (X¯= 3.6), erosion detection techniques and preventive & control measures for onward dissemination to farmers (X¯ = 3.5). The constraints to the dissemination of climate change adaptation measures included inadequate agricultural information/database/library for easy access to extension workers (X¯ = 2.8) and weak linkage system between research and extension for prompt innovation and information exchange (X¯ = 2.5). The study recommended the organization of routine training on climate change adaptation for field extension workers in the agro-ecological zone.
Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research
Journal Abbr
Middle East J. Agric. Res.
2706-7955, 2077-4605
Library Catalogue (Crossref)
Call Number
Agomuo, C. I., Umunakwe, P. C., Ejiogu, A. O., & Ubeh, E. O. (2023). Training Needs on Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Crop and Livestock Production among Field Extension Workers in the Southeast Agro-Ecological Zone of Nigeria. Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research.