Contradictory thermal comfort requirements in a neonatal intensive care units: exploring middle grounds

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Contradictory thermal comfort requirements in a neonatal intensive care units: exploring middle grounds
A NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) ward caters to critical situations. Health and wellbeing of premature infants are positively impacted through attention to the indoor thermal conditions. At the same, the caregivers (hospital personnel and parents) have different thermal comfort requirements. This research addresses these contradictory thermal comfort requirements. Thermal conditions were monitored in and close to an operational incubator, placed in a climate chamber. Investigated scenarios addressed conditions outside the incubator and incubator handling activities (opening port holes). Measurement results were used to identify its effect on the thermophysiology of the premature infant through a two-node thermophysiological model. Caregivers' thermal comfort was evaluated using PMV. Investigated scenarios indicated a drop in incubator temperature and humidity during handling. Simulated infant core temperature showed a drop of < 1°C for one side opening scenarios. The outcomes allow for new thoughts on indoor climate system design and operation of NICU wards.
Short Title
Contradictory thermal comfort requirements in a neonatal intensive care units
Library Catalogue
Teuwen, S., Mishra, A., Loomans, M. G. L. C., Vaan, C., & Kort, H. (2017). Contradictory thermal comfort requirements in a neonatal intensive care units: exploring middle grounds.