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Practitioner experience and reflections on what can be done specifically within the education sector to adapt and reduce the negative impacts of climate change on education.
Recent studies have shown that tropospheric ozone, fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide are the urban air pollutants of major concern regarding human health effects. Monitoring air quality is a challenge in several cities, such as Rio de Janeiro, where the number of fixed-site air quality monitoring stations and their spatial distribution are insufficient to assess the extent of atmospheric pollutants. However, despite this lack of resources, the data obtained by mobile stations are...
We present an approach to generate location-specific forecasts of indoor temperature (Ti) and thermal comfort and issue indoor heat warnings for occupational settings. Indoor forecasts are generated using standard outdoor weather forecasting products and an artificial neural network (ANN) trained on-site using local indoor measurements from a low-cost sensor system measuring Ti and indoor physiologically equivalent temperature (PETi). The outcomes are hourly indoor Ti and PET i forecasts....
An output of the Open Development & Education,
This study aimed to explore climate change awareness among students at a South African public university. The quantitative research method was applied in this study. Due to Covid-19 protocol requirements, a semi-structured electronic questionnaire was used to collect data from students at one South African public university whose name is withheld due to confidentiality requirements. One of the main findings of this study is that most respondents from this particular South African public...
The Improvement Learning Through Classroom Experience (ILCE) is a programme that focuses on the relationship between natural conditions and school learning outcomes
This slide deck relates to a presentation given by OpenDevEd at The Education and Development Forum in Oxford (UKFIET 2023), as part of the sub-theme “Conflict, crisis, climate, and migration”. This presentation was part of the symposium called Climate, environment and education outcomes – Preliminary findings and practical experience from East and West Africa.
Abstract Global climate change, expected to be one of the most severe challenges that human beings have ever encountered, has had far-reaching impacts on ecosystems and humans, among which the potentially increasing chance of violent conflict has raised attention recently. However, several years of research have produced no consensus regarding whether climate variability affects the risk of armed conflict and how it may affect conflict. In this study, we built a geographically...
- Air pollution (17)
Artificial Intelligence
- ... in Sub-Saharan Africa (6)
- Machine learning (47)
- Neural network (80)
- Climate change (421)
- Disability (56)
- Education and climate change (511)
- Energy efficiency (36)
- Environmental sensors (17)
- Impact on learning (18)
- Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) (107)
- Migration (17)
- Modelling (40)
- Noise (27)
- Retrofits (37)
- School buildings and classrooms (53)
Sustainable Development Goals
- SDG01 No poverty (5)
- SDG02 Zero hunger (14)
- SDG03 Good health and well-being (5)
- SDG04 Quality education (12)
- SDG05 Gender equality (1)
- SDG06 Clean water and sanitation (1)
- SDG07 Affordable and clean energy (65)
- SDG09 Industry, innovation and infrastructure (2)
- SDG10 Reduced inequalities (5)
- SDG11 Sustainable cities and communities (19)
- SDG13 Climate action (402)
- SDG14 Life below water (6)
- SDG15 Life on land (1)
- SDG17 Partnerships for the goals (2)
- Thermal comfort and heat stress (109)
- Urban Environment (7)
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (103)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (675)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (750)