Promoting Knowledge of Climate Change (CC) amongst Nigerians: Implications for Education Managers

Resource type
Journal Article
Promoting Knowledge of Climate Change (CC) amongst Nigerians: Implications for Education Managers
Rising sea levels, due to thermal expansion of the ocean, and higher frequency and intensity of coastal and inland storms threaten coastal communities worldwide. The implementation of pro-active, planned adaptation to reduce community vulnerability is strongly dependent upon people's awareness of the threat posed to their communities at the local level.  With a focus on university lecturers in South-South Nigeria, a group of people expected to be knowledgeable; this study set out to look at the concept, nature and scope of climate change, its types and causes, global impacts and specific impacts on Nigeria and, its knowledge and to assess their level of awareness and the extent to which they discuss it. The results from the academic staff of six universities in South-South Nigeria (n=342) revealed that only 13 per cent know very much of climate change and 61 per cent never discussed it among themselves.  Those who know and discuss it are mainly in the sciences whose areas of specialization and course contents are climate change related. Based on the findings, it was recommended that climate change clubs be established in universities. Lecturers of Education Management and Environmental Sciences should collaborate to man the clubs as well as organize Workshops and seminars on climate change from time to time to create awareness. They should also post slogans on climate change at strategic points on campus. Keywords : Climate change, Awareness, Communication, University lecturers, Global warming, Global impact, South-south Nigeria
Call Number
openalex:W2579174512 mag:2579174512
Akpomi, M. E., & Vipene, J. (2016). Promoting Knowledge of Climate Change (CC) amongst Nigerians: Implications for Education Managers.